Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sorrel Sorrel Wonderful Sorrel!


An Omelette, Plus a Plethora of  Ways to Use Sorrel

Sorrel grows like a weed and looks a bit like one. It has an intoxicating sour flavor that is a joy to cook with.The first time I grew it on my terrace it overgrew all its planter neighbors. This year it has it's own pot and so far I have cut it down twice. I don't let it flower as I believe it takes vigor from the plant and eventually just stops producing. If you have no outdoor space, you may find it in your local farmer's market but if you have any outdoor space it is well worth growing. It puts up with part shade locations beautifully and zips up your cooking.

I use Sorrel in a variety of ways.

Removing  tough stems I julienne it, and sprinkle it over my salad greens (Stack the leafs together, then roll them up and cut strips by cutting across the roll) 

I melt it in butter and freeze it for later. It is wonderful with fresh or frozen peas. The french make pea soup with sorrel using fresh peas, butter, cream, a bit of broth and sorrel.

I cut it up and melt it in butter and add a dash of heavy cream  at the end, to make a wonderful fast sauce for Salmon ..I think this would be nice with a poached chicken breast as well.. but use your imagination it is a versatile herb.

Here are some more ideas I found on the internet using sorrel.

This morning I made a Sorrel Omelette. Using the recipe from  which is an excellent source for recipes, I adjusted the amounts so I had just one omelette.

For one serving I chopped a tablespoon or so of onion, cut up some sorrel..removing the big stems and melted butter, 2 teaspoons or so in a pan. I waited til it started to get color and added the sorrel and onion cooking til the sorrel melts and the onion begins to color.

I then added one beaten jumbo size mixed with a bit of salt and pepper. Swirled the egg to cover the bottom of the pan. It was done in 60 seconds or so.

Then I just rolled it up out of the pan onto the plate and I had a spectacular omelette for one. In less than 5 minutes!

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