So I've fallen off the wagon of good diet and excercise. Passover and a number of stressors have all contributed. I imagine, I am now only a couple of pounds lighter than when I started. UGH!
Well two steps forward one step back. I am re-commiting..I walked two laps around the park yesterday and then failed on the diet..blondies! wine! definitely not on the program.
today I will try once more..Off to a slow start I went to the park and played with the dog..scant excercise and plan on walking 20 blocks to the store.
Meanwhile I am drinking my water and had a small slice of whole wheat toast with a small serving of ricotta. I have chicken soup that I made for Passover and think I might bring it to the shop for lunch..sans the matza balls but with some salad and chicken in the soup..
Not easy dieting but definitely a must!
I am still training so that is good.
More later on the progress. Maybe some recipes..stay tuned!